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Night At The Library Workshop Event: LibGuides at Greenville University

This guide will provide you with the information, presentations, and worksheets provided during the February 22 Library event.

Event Details


Submission Anxiety

Have you ever sat there with your completed assignment uploaded into your email or D2L and just terrified or nervous about hitting the submit button?  Maybe you feel anxious afterwards and wake up in the middle of the night to double check you submitted the right file or that it sent correctly? Then this workshop is for you! 

We will be going over why we might feel this way about submitting assignments, useful methods to cope and overcome the anxiety, and how to submit your next assignment with confidence.



What is plagiarism? Why should I care?

Plagiarism is essentially the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.  Besides the intellectual property theft that occurs, as a student you also face academic repercussions.  According to the Greenville University Academic Honesty Statement, plagiarism can lead to failing the assignment, the course, or even facing other forms of academic discipline. 

This workshop will help you recognize plagiarism, tips to avoid it in your assignments, as well as teach you how to utilize the free tools available to students that assist with citations and referencing resources. 

Free Textbooks

            Textbooks are expensive.  Especially considering you typically only use them for about 16 weeks and will probably never touch them again after the semester is over with.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had access to free textbooks? Well, you do! Join the Free Textbooks workshop to learn how to find and borrow textbooks for your courses for free through the library and our I-Share services.

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you don’t belong and that soon everyone will figure this out about you? Many people feel this way, but in college this feeling can be particularly acute. It can have a negative effect upon our studies as it demotivates us.  This “Imposter Syndrome” affects us most deeply when we are navigating a new environment. Developing an identity that incorporates the challenges of that environment into our understanding of who we are, and who we might become, is a process. Unfortunately, these fears that we don’t belong and don’t have what it takes to succeed can be devastating to that process. Thankfully, these fears don’t have to sidetrack us. In this workshop you will learn the signs of “Imposter Syndrome” and how to combat it successfully so that you can achieve your personal and academic life goals.

Data to Done

Ever felt overwhelmed by the blank page on your screen when starting to write a paper? Unable to organize your thoughts or your research? This workshop will help you get from a collection of data and sources to finishing your paper. We will talk about tools and methods to help you structure your information and start to put the pieces together to get your paper completed.


Note Taking 101: How to Make Strong Connections with Multimedia Materials In & Out of the Classroom

Today's GU student needs to be able to review and study multimedia, digital resources, in addition to traditional textbooks and lectures.  How do you use your own "cues" to make connections with new information?  Let's explore how to use your strengths and learning style to be more successful in and out of the classroom.  We will check out the benefits of a variety of note taking strategies to be used before, during, and after learning, including sketch-noting and digital note taking tools.

Time Management

Are you struggling with managing your time?

Do you need help balancing school, life, and other school activities?

Learning how to manage your time and utilize the tips and tools we’ll talk about in this workshop will help you in your Academic career. I encourage you to come to this workshop to be better equipped in doing so.