Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport serves as a comprehensive resource for issues related to gender and race in amateur, collegiate and professional sport.
The NCAA research staff conducts national research for its members on a wide variety of topics including academic performance, student-athlete well-being, finances of intercollegiate athletics programs, gender-equity and diversity issues, and many others.
Based in Ottawa, Canada, SIRC is a full sports information resource center. Read through articles from their library, press releases and "SPORTQuest" online resources, from an international perspective.
Sports Management Resources (SMR) brings the knowledge of nationally recognized educational sports experts to help athletics directors solve integrity, equity, growth and development challenges of their respective athletics programs. The SMR library is a collection of articles on topics related to their mission.
Team Marketing Report is the leading publisher of sports marketing and sponsorship information used daily by executives from collegiate and professional sports properties, sponsor companies, marketing agencies and media partners.
The Women’s Sports Foundation has made a long-term commitment to a series of signature reports addressing such topics as girls’ participation in sports and physical activity, gender equity in intercollegiate sports, the impact of media images of women in sports, and pay equity.